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Following the guidelines set out by the Bishops' Conference of Scotland regarding the reopening of Churches,

all parishioners who visit the Church

must wear a face mask/covering

and observe social distancing at all times.

The Church will also be cleaned and sanitised following the necessary requirements.


You can find more information regarding the guidance set out by the Bishops Conference here.

Dear Parishioners of St Marys & St Bernard’s, as the weekend Mass will be busy
you may choose to attend Holy Mass on a different day of the week; in the
expectation that crowds will be smaller. Also, please remember that the obligation
to attend Sunday Mass still remains suspended.
Finally, do not attend Mass even one that you have previously booked in for, if you
feel in any way unwell or vulnerable.

Guidance for Resumption of Mass (1)-page

Message from Father Travers

Dear Parishioners of St Marys with St Bernard’s.

The situation with the Corona Virus continues to affect the whole world and our own community. I ask you and your families as the Domestic Church at home, in these times, to pray !

Prayer for the Christian, has always been the first line of defence throughout the centuries in these types of afflictions. Therefore, I invite you to pray the Rosary at 9pm each evening in your own homes, and so continue to unite our parish in prayer over these weeks ahead. We pray for deliverance and protection, for the souls of those who have died, those being treated in hospitals, and especially for all the many medical staff throughout the world.

You may also wish to pray this Novena to Our Lady of Monte Berico.
See also an Act of Spiritual Communion for us unable to come to Holy Mass at present.

God Bless
Fr. Travers


Statement from Bishop Toal

Bishop Toal has produced a pastoral letter regarding the suspension of Public Masses due to covid-19. Click here to download.

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Watch Holy Mass Online

Several Parishes in the Diocese will be streaming Holy Mass online, so that while we cannot attend Church you can still participate in Holy Mass from home. Our closest Church which is live streaming is St Augustine's Coatbridge. Click here for a full list of online Masses.



Check out the Universalis website where you can find the Daily Readings, Mass texts and Prayer of the Church. You can use the website or download the app from apple and google app stores. Click here.



The Catholic Parliamentary Office has provided a document on volunteering. It provides useful information on how to safely and responsibly help friends, family, and neighbours and might be of use to parishes.  The document also includes a link to another resource to help people set up resilience groups (located at the very bottom of the document). 

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Novena to Our Lady of Monte Berico

During these day we encourage everyone to pray. We suggest you pray the Novena to Our Lady of Monte Berico. Click here to download the novena prayers.


When Mass cannot be celebrated publicly

The Scottish Catholic National Liturgy Commission has produced a resource for Catholics to use to pray at home while Mass cannot be celebrated publicly. This includes a Spiritual Communion. Click here to download.

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